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My Work

Click here to see examples of my reporting during the coronavirus pandemic 

One Valley hospital is making a big push to vaccinate their employees for the influenza virus in preparation for the flu season. It is more important than ever to get the vaccination as the country battles the coronavirus. The mass vaccination event they hold is not new, but the new social distancing protocols is giving the hospital staff adequate training to see what it will be like to administer a covid vaccine. 

The Mexican wolf population was nearly extinct in the 1970's, with only seven wolves left in the wild. Today, the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have worked together to boost the population to at least 131 wolves. But as the wolves started to roam the land again, scientists found another problem: a lack of genetic diversity. 

Firefighters in Arizona are now fighting more than just flames. They are having to fight their city governments and municipalities to get coverage for their cancer treatment. Now state senators are trying to close a loophole from a 2017 state law that they say many insurance companies and city governments are taking advantage of. 

Governor Doug Ducey announced in his State of the State address that he would be closing down a state prison located in Florence. There is still no plan of where the prisoners will be relocated to, but town officials in Florence are worried that the closure could bring about monetary impacts that could hurt the town. 

President Donald Trump spoke to a large crowd of supporters sporting red "MAGA" hats while protesters chanted outside the venue. Protesters came from around the state to show their opposition to President's administration. 

Scientists in the southwestern United States are experimenting with new technology that is helping farmers become more efficient growers while also helping them conserve our most valuable resource. 

The Arizona Department of Transportation constructed the first two diverging diamond interchanges ever to be used in the state because of its safety and traffic control. But how does it keep drivers safer and reduce traffic?

Thousands of fans migrate to a campground outside of ISM Raceway in Avondale, Arizona twice a year to create a small town in preparation for a NASCAR race. 

The senseless drive-by shooting of a family in their driveway left the 10-year-old daughter dead and a hole in the community. 

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